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Coolant or Water? What is better for my Car’s Radiator?
A common misconception is that using water for a car’s radiator is the right choice. Yet, many individuals are often confused about whether to use coolant and water in a car radiator. The perplexity causes substantial risks to the automotive vehicles and the engine parts. This article will be a brief informative guide for you in which you will read the nitty-gritty details of using coolant and water for your car’s radiator.
What is a Car Radiator?
To describe a car radiator in layman’s terms – it acts as the central part of the vehicle’s cooling system.
No matter the outdoor temperatures, the vehicle works under high temperatures as the car’s power and energy processes run. To keep the temperature optimal, the fluid in the radiator keeps the car running without overheating the engine.
When it starts to work, the fluid passes through the hose of the radiator to the engine and back to the radiator absorbing heat from the engine. Furthermore, there is a thermostat as well that monitors coolant temperature.
Caution: Never open the pressurized cap of your radiator when the engine is heated. Pull over the car, let the engine cool down and take the lid off while you maintain the distance from it.
What Can You Put in Car’s Radiator?
Coolant or Water – The answer is ‘Diluted Coolant.’
To elaborate more, you can use coolant and water for your car radiator. However, using these fluids for your car’s radiator has positive and negative aspects. There is a high probability of using water in your car’s radiator for emergencies. Additionally, automotive experts say that a balanced amount of coolant and water should be put in the car’s radiator to keep the flow running.
Mostly, distilled water is preferred for use in the car radiator (in case you have to use water). Distilled water is of high quality and has few chances of damaging the engine’s part; therefore, it is better to use distilled water.
Coolant is also known synonymously as Anti-Freeze. It is a chemical fluid created for vehicles to maintain the engine’s temperature. In addition, recently manufactured coolants have rust inhibitors that keep the rusting at bay from the engine’s car.
Pros and Cons of Using Water
An advantage of using water in your car’s radiator is keeping you safe in emergencies when a vehicle overheats. It is one of the reasons that people always carry a tin/bottle of water in their car to keep it in the radiator when needed.
Another advantage of using water in a car radiator is that it aids in diluting the antifreeze chemical fluid. Having a 50/50 amount of both distilled water and coolant saves from the negative aspects of coolant only.
Let’s talk about the cons of using water.
Water can cause corrosion and rust on the engine’s part, damaging internal components.
Water can cause blockage in the car’s radiator that can block the engine.
As water has a high boiling point and low freezing point, in extreme temperatures, it can stop the working of the engine due to the unsteady working of the radiator and coolants.
When To Use Coolant in Radiator?
Using a coolant in the radiator must be uniform and maintained on periodic bases. By this, it is meant that to make sure after every 40,000 to 50,000 miles; you get the coolant flushing. The antifreeze additive is usually pre-added, but as soon as you feel the vehicle is overheating, it indicates using car coolant.
What Will Happen When Using Water Instead of Coolant?
If both water & coolant are fluids and serve the same purpose, why does one have to use coolant? This question comes to the mind of many people. However, using water instead of coolant can cause you trouble.
Water can get metal rusty. When a car’s radiator is filled with water, only corrosion is caused. In case you use metal instead of coolant, there is a high chance the internal parts will be damaged.
Moreover, water boils when the temperature rises. So if the indoor and outdoor temperature gets high, water will keep on boiling until it dries up in the radiator.
In a similar case to low freezing temperatures, the water might freeze, and water regulation in the radiator can impede the automotive working.
From the above-stated three situations, using water is likely to get you in trouble while en route.
Therefore, mixing car coolant and water is always better and safer.
Does Type of Water Matter?
Yes, the type of water significantly matters. Using demineralized or distilled water is recommended to minimize the effects of using water in your car’s radiator.
How To Avoid Overheating?
To avoid overheating, there are plenty of tips that would be of your use. Let’s have a look at the following:
Keep a check on your radiator cap. As the cap works in high-temperature conditions, it becomes weak and worn out, leading to minor leaks. When leaking happens, enough automotive coolant is not transported through the engine, thus overheating.
Maintain the follow-up on your mechanic for periodic coolant flushing. The old fluid is drained out as the new fluid is filled to clean the place. Afterward, the coolant is added to the radiator. Having it periodically saves one from a lot of unwelcomed hassle.
Always have stored car coolants for emergencies. However, ensure that the coolant is diluted and good enough to put in the car’s radiator.
Keep an eye out on the thermostat as it is responsible for the coolant’s flow. A damaged thermostat will lead to overheating as the flow of coolant is interrupted.
Final Thoughts
Neither water nor coolant – instead, a diluted mixture of coolant and water. A diluted coolant additive for your vehicle will maintain the steady flow of additive throughout the engine and will not cease working.
Autostore has one of the best car coolants in town, with the latest modernization of rust resistance and immune to corrosion. Buy car coolants online to save time and have the best car coolant at your door!
Safe Driving!